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(Pocket-lint) - For 2022 Samsung's top-tier flagship range is the Galaxy S22 series, comprising the smaller S22, the marginally larger S22+, and much larger S22 Ultra - the last of which comes with a curved-edge screen and integrated S Pen stylus, unlike the other two models. For the full set of differences between the three, check out our feature, link below:

  • Samsung Galaxy S22 vs S22 Plus vs S22 Ultra: What are the differences?

While all Galaxy S22 models arrive with Google's Android 12 operating system, Samsung's One UI 4.1 interface sits on top, bringing some unique software points and controls. Many users will be familiar, but some settings - such as how to switch the phone or or take a screenshot - may differ to other Android handsets on the market.

There's a lot to learn and many trinkets you can discover. Here's an in-depth guide so you can have various queries answered and make the most out of your new Galaxy S22 choice.


Samsung Galaxy S22 top tip: If you're struggling to find things, swipe upward from the bottom of the screen to to launch the app tray. Within this there's a search bar up top, but it doesn't just search through apps, it searches through an abundance of integrated system apps - from calendar to settings and more - so there will be a bunch of selectable options to quickly jump to what you're searching for.

How to power off or restart the Samsung Galaxy S22: What appears to the the power button on the right-hand side of any S22 handset (screen facing) actually defaults to launching Samsung's Bixby voice assistant. A quick press of the button just takes you to the lock screen. To power down you'll need to press-and-hold this power button and the volume down key simultaneously (not a short press, as that'll just take a screenshot), which will raise a software screen complete with 'Power off', 'Restart', and 'Emergency mode'. From this screen you can also select 'Side key settings' to reconfigure a long press to bypass Bixby and bring up the power-off page instead.

• Home screen tips
• Connection settings
• Managing digital assistants
• Quick settings
• Apps tray and apps management
• Lock screen and always-on display
• Security and unlocking
• Display tips
• Notification tips
• Volume, sound and do not disturb
• Game booster tips
• Camera and photos
• Edge screen tips
• Bixby tips and tricks
• How to take a screenshot
• Battery tips

Samsung Galaxy S22, S22+ & S22 Ultra: Home screen tips

Turn on Android gesture navigation: Unlike almost any other Android phone in 2022, the S22 loads up with three softkeys for navigation. If you want to switch to Android's gestures then swipe down from the top, open settings (that little cog to the top right) > display > navigation bar. Yes, it's a strange place for it to feature. From here you have the option to change the buttons' order or select 'Swipe gestures' instead.

Customise the navigation buttons: If you're sticking with on-screen navigation controls, you can customise the order. As per above, head into settings > display > navigation bar and you can change the the order of buttons from the default III [] < to < [] III so that the back button is on the opposite side.

Edit your home screen: A long press on the wallpaper on any home screen lets you edit the wallpaper and style, themes, widgets, and access additional settings. This area will also let you add screens (swipe to a fresh page and hit the giant + in a circle), or delete complete screens (hit the trash can icon up top, which will raise a prompt asking you to confirm the screen's removal).

Use Android 12 Material You: Adding customisation options at a native Android 12 level, press-and-hold the home screen to open the options. Then tap on wallpaper and style. In this section - aside from changing the wallpapers from default ones, including animated 'video' options - you'll see the option for colour palette (which automatically appears after selecting a new wallpaper too). This will let you customise the user interface colours based on your wallpaper. There's also the option to apply that to icons, but it only applies to native Samsung apps or folder backgrounds.

Get more on your home screen: You can change the size of the screen grid on which your shortcuts and widgets sit, depending on how dense you want the home screen to be. Long press on the home screen, then select 'Settings' to the bottom right (alternatively swipe down from top of screen, select the settings cog, then 'Home screen'). There are options for 4x5, 4x6, 5x5 or 5x6 which can be applied to Home screen grid and App screen grid separately, while Folder grid offers either 3x4 or 4x4 for those apps held within folder arrangements.

How to access Google Discover: Simply swipe left to right on the home screen. If you prefer Samsung's alternative option then long-press on the home screen and swipe right to access the left-hand page. Here you'll see the option between Google Discover or Samsung Free, or hit the toggle up top to turn this page off entirely.

Resize widgets: To access widgets long-press the home screen and select 'Widgets'. You'll need to place a widget on the home page or subsequent pages before you can make adjustments to them. Once any widget is placed, simply press-and-hold the widget itself, which will draw a border around it complete with four circular 'pull points'. Drag these within the available parameters to change the size. Want to delete a widget? Press-and-hold it, a floating window will pop up offering information and a trash can with 'Remove' beneath it.

Customise the status bar: This is the information that sits at the top of the screen. Head into settings > notifications and you can select between 'Brief' and 'Detailed' view options. You can open 'Included apps' and add/remove which apps are permitted to display in notifications on an individual app basis too.

Change notification amount or switch off notifications: Within the notifications section (access as per above) you can select 'Advanced settings' to present further options. From here you can limit to three notification icons, a number of notifications only, or you can choose to see none or all - the choice is yours.

Display battery as a percentage: Want to see more than just a visual representation of battery life? You can toggle a percentage counter, which appears to the side of the battery symbol in the status bar, by going to settings > notifications > advanced settings and hitting the 'Show battery percentage' toggle there.

Allow your home page to work in landscape: This option will allow the home screen and apps tray, settings, etcetera, to display in landscape orientation. It's off by default, but you can turn it on in settings > home screen settings > select the 'Rotate to landscape mode' toggle. This is different to the 'buttons' shortcuts within the swipe down notifications shade, where the 'Portrait'/'Auto rotate' option will only allow certain apps to rotate between orientations, not settings and the like.

Create a folder: Simply drag one app on top of another on any home screen page and a folder is created. To remove an app from a folder, open the folder and long press an app and you'll get a pop-up menu which lets you remove or uninstall it. To add more apps, either drag them into the folder, or hit the '+' button within the folder to add apps where you can select multiples from your list.

Change a folder's colour or name: Open a folder and enter the name you want at the top. If you don't want a name, leave it blank and nothing will show. To change the folder background colour - and you can do this individually per folder - tap the dot in the right-hand corner and select a new colour, including completely custom options.

Delete a folder: If you no longer want a folder, press and hold and then hit the trash can icon. The folder and the app shortcuts will vanish, but it doesn't uninstall said apps, it just tidies things up on your request.

Close all apps: When you tap the recent apps button (the III softkey or via a slow bottom-to-mid swipe up if you're using gestures) you'll get thumbnails of your recent app pages. You can swipe these away individually, or hit the 'Close all' button beneath. Note, however, that swiping an app to close doesn't prevent it from running in the background - see our battery settings information about how to control this.

Hide apps: Don't want an app to show on your home screen or in search? You can hide it. Long press the home screen, open settings, select 'Hide apps' and select those you don't wish to appear, before hitting 'Done'. Caveat: search will still reveal the app's settings access in some cases.


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Connection options on the Galaxy S22 series

How to setup eSIM: If eSIM is enabled on your device, you'll be invited to set this up when you first setup the device. If want to do it after initial setup, head into settings > connections > SIM card manager > add mobile plan.

How to use Samsung DeX: The desktop experience (DeX) is a standard feature on the Galaxy S22, allowing you use your phone as a deskop computer either via a PC or with a TV or monitor. First you'll have to turn on DeX on the phone in settings > advanced features > Samsung DeX. Once you've toggled it on, you'll either have to install the Samsung DeX app on your PC or you'll have to connect the monitor to your phone via the USB-C connection on the bottom. It will also work through USB-C hubs.

Call and text on other devices: Using the Samsung account, you can allow calls and messages to come through on other Samsung devices, like a tablet, meaning you don't have to change devices all the time when working. Head into settings > advanced features > call and text on other devices and turn it on. That will mean texts and calls to the number on your phone will be synced with your other Samsung devices.

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Link to Windows: If you want to sync to a Windows PC to manage mobile notifications, view recent photos, make and receive calls via PC, access messaging/conversations, and sync mobile apps, you can do that. Head into settings > advanced features > Link to Windows and toggle it on. You'll then be taken through the setup process.

Manage Android Auto on your Samsung device: Samsung phones will let you customise the Android Auto experience. Head into settings > advanced settings > Android Auto. Here you can customise the apps you are shown in Android Auto as well as change some other settings.


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Managing your digital assistants on the Galaxy S22

Samsung pushes Bixby as its default digital assistant. As the S22 is Android you get Google Assistant too. Install Amazon Alexa and that becomes an option too. Here are all the management options for those virtual assistants.

Access Google Assistant: A long press on virtual on-screen softkey will launch Google Assistant. If you're using gestures then a 45-degree corner swipe will activate the same. This is synced with your Google account from sign-in, so works with anything you've already setup Google Assistant to do.

Turn on "Hey/Ok Google" hotword: The hotword to get Google to respond with just your voice is part of the Google app. You're prompted to set it up when you sign-in to a new phone, but if you want to do that later then search 'Device assistance app' from settings (found in settings > apps > choose default apps), hit the settings cog next to this, and you'll be able to activate the hotword through Voice Match.

Disable Google Assistant/all assistants: If you don't want Google Assistant on that home button shortcut, you can remove the ability to launch it. As above, head into settings > apps > choose default apps, select 'Digital assistant app' and tap 'Device assistance app'. You can select 'None' to disable, or another option to change the default system.

Change your digital assistant: If you'd rather launch Alexa on the home button, install the Alexa app and then, as per above tip, switch the default device assistance app to Alexa - or Bixby Voice if you'd rather. However, the Alexa hotword will not work.

Launch Bixby Voice: If you want to use Bixby, press and hold the side button and Bixby will launch. You'll have to be logged-in to a Samsung account use Bixby. You can also enable the "Hi Bixby" hot word.


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Samsung Galaxy S22: Quick settings tips and tricks

Instantly access the quick settings and notifications pane from your home screen: Swipe down anywhere on the home screen and the notifications shade will slide down - meaning you don't have to stretch up to the top of the page. Swipe down again and you'll get quick settings buttons - really useful on the bigger Galaxy S22+ and S22 Ultra phones. You can deactivate this (as it's on by default) but long pressing on the home screen, hitting the settings cog, then scrolling down to the 'Swipe down for notification panel' toggle.

Quick access to Google Home controls: If you have Google Home installed and setup, drop the quick settings menu and then tap 'Device control'. Now tap the drop-down menu option that says 'SmartThings', and you should see 'Home' as an option. Select that and now you'll see big onscreen widget controls for your Google Home connected devices.

Edit quick settings: To change the shortcuts you see when you swipe down the notifications, swipe down twice so you see the full grid of buttons, open the menu by tapping the three dots top right and select "edit buttons". You'll be shown the full list of options across pages. You can drag to reorder, or remove shortcuts you don't need. Top tip: only the first six apps are shown in the compact view across the top (expanding to 18 once in quick settings fully), so make these your first settings shortcuts.

Instantly access device settings from quick settings: This is a standard Android tip, but great for accessing settings instantly. Press and hold the shortcut (for example Bluetooth) and you'll instantly jump to the full settings menu. It's really useful for Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, and power saving options.

Access connected devices in quick settings pane: By default you'll find that device control and media output is shown in the quick settings pane. This means you can swipe down and tap through to access music you're playing or speakers that you're connected to, as well as control smart home devices as described above. If you don't want this, you can turn it off by opening up the quick settings and tapping the menu top right. Then tap on 'Quick panel layout', 'Device control and Media output buttons' and choose your preferred option.

Quickly adjust the screen brightness: Samsung lets you access the brightness through the quick settings panel, just swipe it down and you'll see the slider. If you want to adjust autobrightness, open the menu at the right-hand end of the slider and it will take you straight through to those settings, where you can turn it on or off.


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Samsung Galaxy S22 and S22+ app tips

Show all the apps on the home screen: This is a popular option for some. If you want to remove the apps tray, long press on the home screen and tap settings. Then select 'Home screen layout' and pick 'Home screen only'.

Add or remove an apps tray button: By default there is no apps tray button and you open the apps tray with a swipe. If you want the button back head into the home screen settings as above and select the 'Show apps screen button on home screen' toggle.

Swipe to show or hide the apps tray: As above, the Galaxy S22 lets you view the apps tray with a swipe up. The apps pages themselves then scroll left and right. If you want to return to the home page, you don't need to press the home button, you can just swipe up again and the apps tray vanishes.

Alphabetise or custom order your apps: In the apps tray, hit the triple dot menu in the Finder (search bar) to the top right, then select 'Sort from the drop list. This will give you the option to have alphabetical order. Or select 'Custom order' and you can then drag your apps into the positions you want.

Create an apps tray folder: You can have a folder for containing multiple apps whether you're set to custom or alphabetical order in the apps tray. Just press-and-hold an app icon and drag it over another and a folder will be created within the apps tray. You can then edit the name and colour as you wish - just like you can on the home screens.

Let Finder give you app suggestions: When you tap on the Finder (search bar) at the top of the apps tray, you'll immediately get suggestions based on recent apps you've used. If you don't want this, select the triple dot menu where you can turn off various settings: suggested apps, search suggestions, suggested settings, Downloads & Screenshots, search history, and hidden apps.

Uninstall apps: You can uninstall directly from an app icon. Just long press on the app and a pop-up menu will give you the option to uninstall. If it's a core app (which you can't uninstall) the same option will let you disable an app.

Add apps to your home screen: Press and hold on the app shortcut in the apps tray. You can select 'add to home' from the pop-up menu that appears.

Stop adding new app icons to home screen: Head into the home screen settings (long press on the wallpaper, hit the settings cog) and you'll find the 'Add new apps to home screen' toggle. It's off by default, but if you want every new install to appear on your home screens then this will enable that.

Change the default app: Android lets you decide which is the default app if you have more than one that will do the same thing. Go to settings > apps > Default apps. There are options for browser, caller ID/spam, assistant, Home, Phone, SMS and links.

Control app permissions: Android lets you manage all the permissions for each app on an individual basis. Go to settings > apps and select the app you want, then hit Permissions. This will let you toggle permissions on and off, so you can disable location or contacts access, for example. Doing so may cause an app to have limited functionality or continually prompt you for permission, though, so keep this in mind.

Assign permissions for little-used apps: As per above, individual apps will lose their permissions if not used for an extended period of time - designed to free up space. If you know there's a certain app that you might only use twice a year, go to settings > apps, select that app and hit Permissions, then hit the toggle for 'Remove permissions and free up space'.


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Samsung Galaxy S22: Lock screen and always-on display

The lock screen is what you'll see when your phone is locked. It's really divided into two parts: one when the screen is off - where "always-on display" can give you some information - or the proper lock screen where the screen is fully on, but you can't access the the device.

Turn on always-on display: To have the screen show you always-on information, head into settings > lock screen, and ensure 'Always On Display' is toggled on - which it is by default. Hitting this setting allows you to set a schedule, show for new notifications, or show always. Just remember that it consumes battery, so going overboard to have your device light-up for every instance will diminish longevity.

Change the always-on clock style: There are a range of different clock types for the S22's always-on display. Head into settings > lock screen > always on display > clock style. You can select the clock type, add an 'Image clock', and also change the colours.

Add widgets to your lock screen or always-on display: Samsung will allow widgets on your lock screen or always-on display. You'll probably have a music controller there by default, but if you don't, head into settings > lock screen > widgets. Here you find all the options to turn on and off, including Bixby Routines, Voice Recorder, weather, alarms and more.

Change the brightness of the always-on display: This is linked to auto brightness on your phone, however you can manually over-ride this. Head into settings > lock screen > always-on display. Within this menu you'll see 'Auto brightness. Turn this off and you can set the brightness yourself, specifically for the always-on display. You can also change the brightness manually by tapping on the always-on display once it is showing.

Change lock screen shortcuts: You can have two shortcuts on the lock screen for quick access (only the lock screen, not the always-on display). These are phone and camera by default, but can be any app you like. Head into settings > lock screen > shortcuts. Here you can select the left and right shortcuts, or turn them off completely via the toggle.

Disable/enable lock screen notifications: If you don't want notifications on your lock screen, head to settings > lock screen > notifications. This allows you to show icon only notifications, full details, to hide content, and select if notifications also show on the always-on display too. It's even possible to adjust the transparency of the notification background/text using a slider.

Show a roaming clock on the lock screen: If you're travelling and the local time is showing, but you want to see your at-home time too, head into settings > lock screen > roaming clock. You can also choose where your home timezone is set and adjust this as you choose.


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Samsung Galaxy S22: Security and unlocking

Top security tip: Biometrics aren't foolproof, because when they fail your device reverts to PIN or password to unlock. Therefore, your device is only as secure as the password or PIN you use, as anyone trying to break into your phone can always opt to head straight to these unlock methods.

Enable fingerprint or face security: To use your fingerprint or face to unlock, head into settings > biometrics and security. Here you can register your face or fingerprint (or multiple prints). You'll have to set a back-up PIN or password at the same time to provide additional security. Top tip: if using fingerprint, then register fingers on each hand so you can unlock however you are holding your phone.

Instant lock: When you press the standby button, you want your phone to lock instantly. Head into settings > lock screen > secure lock settings. There's the option to lock the device as soon as the screen goes to sleep or when you press the standby button. If you do want a delay, there are plenty of time options.

Automatically wipe your device (after numerous failed logins): Not a setting we would suggest many use, but you can get the phone to factory reset, including deleting all of your apps and data, after 15 failed attempts to unlock the device. This is located in the same Secure lock settings as per above tip.

Smart Lock/Bluetooth unlock: Again in settings > lock screen > there's the Smart Lock section. This is a standard Android feature and you have the option to nominate trusted devices, so your Android device will unlock when connected to something else - you can nominate Bluetooth devices, such as your smartwatch or car. There's also 'Trusted places' where location basis will keep the device unlocked. There's also 'On-body detection' so that your device remains unlocked when it's on your person.

Lock network and security functions: This option will mean that your network settings cannot be changed while your phone is locked. This makes it easier to locate your phone if it's stolen. However, it also means you have to unlock your phone to engage flight mode. Head into settings > lock screen > secure lock settings to find the option to turn it on or off.

Keep your private files and apps in the Secure Folder: If you're worried about people accessing your phone and finding things they shouldn't, you can use the Secure Folder. This sets up another layer of security, you can then add files, pictures and apps that you want to keep hidden - that might be anything from personal photos to business documents. You can also add second versions of apps you want secure and private. It's in settings > biometrics and security > secure folder.


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Samsung Galaxy S22 display tips

All Galaxy S22 devices has adaptive refresh rate screens, but you can adjust these settings too.

Access 120Hz mode: There are two display modes - Adaptive or Standard. The standard mode sticks to 60Hz, the adaptive smoothness will select the appropriate refresh rate from 10-120Hz. Faster refresh means smoother fast moving visuals, but can use more battery. The advantage of adaptive is that it will manage that battery demand for you. You can find the options in settings > display > motion smoothness.

Change the display resolution: The Galaxy S22 Ultra has the option to change the resolution between three options: WQHD+ (3088 x 1440), FHD+ (2316 x 1080), HD+ (1544 x 720). Head into settings > display > screen resolution and you'll find these options. There's no smart resolution adjustment like some devices offer elsewhere. Resolution options for the base S22 and S22+ differ of course.

Engage dark mode: Open the settings menu and select display. It's the first thing you'll see at the top of the page at 'Light' and 'Dark' complete with illustrations. You can schedule dark mode by selecting the 'Dark mode settings' below these visual illustrations.

Change the display colours: Head into settings > display > screen mode. Here you'll get the option to change the way the display looks, from Vivid to Natural, with warm/cool white balance also available for manual tweaking. There are advanced settings, to control the red, green and blue channels individually, too, if you want to really deep dive.

Turn on the video enhancer: There's a video enhancer hiding on the S22 that aims to boost your video watching experience. It works with a range of apps, including Netflix, Prime Video and YouTube. Head into settings > advanced features > video brightness. There are options for Normal or Bright.

Turn on the eye comfort shield: This changes the colour of the display to reduce blue light, avoid eye strain and help you sleep better, notionally. Head into settings > display and toggle on 'Eye comfort shield'. Clicking into this setting and you can find adaptive or custom modes, so you can opt to have it on all the time or just from a specific time.

One-handed mode: Head into settings > advanced features > and toggle on 'One-handed mode'. This will shrink the display to give you easier access to things nearer the top - great for small hands on large phones. Once in one-handed mode, you can switch from left to right by tapping the arrows. To exit one-handed mode, just tap on the black area.

How to use the S Pen with the S22 Ultra: The S22 Ultra comes with a built-in S Pen stylus. Pop it out and you can use it to interact with the display instead of a finger. To load its various compatible apps there's a little transparent launcher that floats to the centre right, which opens access to Create note, View all notes, Smart select, Screen write, Live messages, AR Doodle, Translate, PENUP, and the option to add more interactions.


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Samsung Galaxy S22: Notifications tips and tricks

To turn off notifications for an app: Go to settings > notifications and you'll see a 'Recently sent' section. Tap 'more' and you'll get easy toggle options for all the apps on your phone (unless you've opted to hide them, in which case you won't). You can also tap through per app to control specifics, from 'Deliver quietly' to other specifics per app.

Show app icon badges: Icon badges are a feature of Android, letting each app tell you how many notifications you have. Samsung applies this across the entire device. Head into settings > notifications > advanced settings and toggle 'App icon badges' off if you don't want it. Tap into this setting if you want to shift between the notification showing as just or dot or a dot with numbers to signify how many notifications.

View your app notifications with a long press on an app shortcut: This is quite an advanced extension of the icon badges. You can press and hold on an app icon that's showing a badge and the notifications will be revealed in a pop-up menu. Head into settings > notifications > app icon badges and you'll find this option at the bottom of the page as a toggle.

Disable a notification you've received: This is a standard Android feature, but it changed in Android 12. If you got a notification and you want to disable future notifications or change how they are delivered, press and hold on that notification. It will expand to give you options, including "turn off notifications". Selecting 'Settings' will take you into a detailed menu where every aspect available can be changed.


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Samsung Galaxy S22 volume controls, sound and do not disturb

Learning to master do not disturb is a key skill of Android. You can get it to give you the notifications you want when you want them, you can silence your phone when you want without needing a mechanical slider, but still let those vital notifications through. On the Galaxy S22 you have five volume sliders: system, Bixby, ringtone, media, notifications.

Master the media volume toggle: Within the volume settings (settings > sounds and vibrations > volume) you'll find the option 'Use Volume keys for media'. This is on by default and means that when you press the volume buttons, only the media volume moves, such as your music. Turn it off and it controls ringer volume, but switches to media volume when you have media playing, for example in Netflix or Spotify.

Change the vibration levels for everything: Head into settings > sounds and vibration > vibration intensity and you can individually change the vibration levels for calls, notifications and touch interaction.

Turn off the charging noise, unlocking noise, keyboard sounds: Samsung would have your Galaxy beep and vibrate on every action and touch. Head into settings > sound and vibration > system sounds/vibration control.

Enable and control Dolby Atmos: This can be toggled on in quick settings, or head into settings > sounds and vibration > sound quality and effects. Click into the Dolby Atmos section and you have the option for auto, movie, music or voice as individual enhancements. Before getting into this menu there's also a separate 'Dolby Atmos for gaming' toggle, so you can just have it fire-up when you begin a game.

Adjust the EQ (equaliser): Don't like the default sound profile? You can change it. Head into settings > sounds and vibration > sound quality and effects > equaliser. This offers five presets and one Custom option, so you can adjust through nine linear bands to tweak the sound profile as you please (from 63Hz to 16kHz).

Adapt sound for hard of hearing: Head into settings > sounds and vibration > sound quality and effects > adapt sound. This offers frequency boosts based on age, the assumption being that given frequency bands are diminished in particular age groups. You can also use 'Test my hearing' to assess which boost to use, if any.

Engage do not disturb: Do not disturb is an Android feature that lets you silence your phone, but you can setup a range of exceptions. Swipe down quick settings and tap the do not disturb button to turn it on. You can also press-and-hold it in order to set a schedule and permit specific disturbances from calls, alarms, apps and so forth. You can also access this through settings > notifications > do not disturb.

Allow alarms and exceptions in do not disturb: As per the tip above.

Allow notifications in do not disturb: While sounds and vibrations are silenced, you can still have silent notifications. Go to settings > notifications > do not disturb > hide notifications. Here you can control whether to hide all, if you want full-screen notifications, app icon badges, display in the notification panel, to cease pop-up notifications, and to hide status bar icons.


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Game Booster tips

Limit the refresh rate to save battery: Open the Game Launcher app the triple line menu to the bottom right. Hit 'Game Booster' from the options that come up. You can then access 'Low refresh rate', which will fix the refresh rate to 48Hz during games to save on battery life.

Block navigation gestures in games: This is a big deal to stop you accidentally leaving a game when playing because your swipes were wrongly interpreted. Go to the Game Booster settings as detailed above, then select 'Block during game'. Here you can toggle off navigation gestures (it'll be greyed out if you're using Android's softkeys of course). To exit a game you'll have to swipe twice.

Turn off autobrightness during games: There's nothing more annoying than your brightness dimming when you're gaming. In the menu detailed above you can also opt to block autobrightness to avoid this problem.

Turn on Dolby Atmos for gaming: Head into settings > sounds and vibrations > sound quality and effects. You'll see the 'Dolby Atmos for gaming' toggle here.

How to use the screenrecorder: There's built-in screen recorder on the S22 series, accessed via quick settings. Just swipe down, then swipe again to open the fuller 18 buttons, where you can select Screen recorder. Press-and-hold this icon to adjust its specifics, such as video quality and sound (from media and/or mic or none).


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Samsung Galaxy S22: Camera and photo tricks

The cameras on the differing S22 devices are quite different, the S22 Ultra being the king of the trio. But there's a lot that they have in common and a lot to get to grips with.

Engage the 108MP mode (S22 Ultra only): The S22 Ultra has a 108-megapixel camera, but by default it's set to output at 12-megapixels. If you want the full resolution, tap the aspect ratio button in the Camera app and you'll see the '3:4 108MP' option. Note: you can't shoot at 108MP in the S22 and S22+ as they have 50MP main sensors.

Turn on 8K video capture: If you want to capture video in the highest resolution, head into the video mode within the Camera app and tap the aspect ratio icon - you'll see the option for 8K 24.

Turn on the shot suggestions mode: A feature introduced way back on the S10, it will analyse the scene and suggest the best composition. The camera will suggest the best shot you can take and help you line it up using a guide on the screen. Open the Camera app and tap the settings cog and you'll find the option to turn on.

Use scene optimiser to improve your photos: The scene optimiser uses artificial intelligence (AI) to improve your photos, as well as allowing longer handheld night photos. In the Camera app select the settings code top left, then toggle 'Scene optimiser' on. When you've taken a shot you'll see it auto-adjust before your eyes, with a dual circular symbol showing that the camera has made optimisations.

Use night mode for better low light shots: Night mode takes long exposures in low light and automatically switches on - which you can see when a crest moon symbol is showing in yellow to the bottom right corner of the Camera app's viewfinder. Tap this moon icon, turning the outline white, and it's switched off.

How to get out of a mode: If you select a camera mode - from the 'More' menu, for example - and want to go back to default, it's not immediately obvious how this words. If you have gesture control activated then you'll have to swipe back to return to the normal viewfinder, otherwise use the Android softkey back button (if you are in default Photo mode, however, the back button will close the Camera app).

Quick launch the camera: By default, a double press on the side button will launch the camera. If you want to change this to, say, open another app, then head into settings > advanced features > side key.

Switch camera modes: You can swipe through modes from the Camera app's viewfinder: Photo is default, with Video and More to the right, Portrait to the left.

Edit the available camera modes: You don't have to stick to the default options above - you can add or remove modes that you find more useful. Head into More where you'll see an 'Add+' appear at the bottom right. Tap that and it will allow you to drag those modes you want onto the swipeable bar, so you needn't open More to select.

Quickly switch from rear to front camera: Simply swipe up or down when in the Camera app and it'll toggle between rear and front camera views. Or you can double press the power button again and the cameras will switch.

Enable raw capture: If you want the DNG files saved as well as regular JPEG, head into the Camera app's settings and select 'Picture formats'. Here you'll find the option to save 'RAW copies' and also switch on HEIF )high efficiency pictures) too.

Enable video stabilisation: There are two versions of stabilisation: one in the camera settings that appears to apply to everything, or 'Super Steady', the latter being much more dramatic. When in Video you'll see a hand with wiggly lines around it icon - tap this, it'll outline yellow to show it's active. Note: with Super Steady active your capture resolution tops out at 1080p60. If you've selected 8K or UHD (4K) then the camera will automatically switch to FHD.

Shoot in HDR10+ video: HDR10+ is a beta (or 'Labs') feature. Open the Camera app, hit the settings cog, then select 'Advanced recording options'. In here you'll see the option for the high dynamic range capture format, but it's only available if you're shooting 1080p30 - anything higher resolution or frame rate and it'll be greyed out.

Take a selfie portrait: Just switch to the front camera and select Portrait from the menu. There are seven different effects and backgrounds to try, opened via the little circular symbol to the bottom right of the viewfinder.


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Samsung Galaxy S22 edge screen tips

Edge screen was supposed to make curved edges more useful by offering a little menu tucked around the edge. But while the S22 and S22+ have flat displays, they still offer this functionality!

Add or remove edge panels:Head into settings > display > edge panels. Tap on Panels within this and you'll see the selection of panels available and you can add and remove those you don't want. Stick to the useful, otherwise you'll spend more time navigating and less time doing.

Move the edge panel handle to anywhere you want: You can move the edge handle (where you have to swipe to open the edge panels) to anywhere on the left or right of the screen. Just press and hold it and you can drag it around. If you don't want to be able to move it, you can lock the position in the settings, as below.

Change the size and transparency of the edge panel handle: Head into settings > display > edge panels > handle. Within these settings you can change the handle - including making it invisible, changing the colour, size and, if you want, have it to vibrate when it's touched.

Turn off edge panels: Head into settings > display > edge panel. Just toggle it off and the shortcut will vanish.


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Bixby tips and tricks

Bixby is Samsung's assistant. It made its debut on the Samsung Galaxy S8 in 2017. The assistant can do a range of things, but it's basically broken down into Bixby Voice and Bixby Vision. We've covered some Bixby tips in the digital assistants section above. If you want to know more about Bixby, we have a full Bixby feature for you to enjoy.

Turn the Bixby button on or off: Bixby is integrated into the power button. If you want to change this, go to settings > advanced features > side key.

Setup a Bixby Routine:Head into settings > advanced features > Bixby Routines. Click into this and there are various routine options. For example, when you travel abroad, turning off mobile data automatically. You can make custom routines based around opening an app, which is great for gaming, as one example.

Use Bixby to access settings on your phone: One of the charming things about Bixby is that it can be used to access settings on your Galaxy device. Open Bixby either via the button or by saying "Hey Bixby", then say what you want to change on your phone.

Use Bixby Vision to translate: Open the Camera app and you'll find the Bixby Vision in the More section, top left. Tap this and it will open Vision. By default it's set to read barcodes and shopping - but open the menu and you'll find the option to turn on translate, which is much more useful.

Samsung Galaxy S22 : How to take a screenshot

Take a screen shot: Press the volume down and standby buttons at the same time - but not for too long otherwise it'll activate the power-off screen.

Palm swipe for a screenshot: If you don't want to press the buttons, swipe the edge of your hand across the screen instead. This can be switched off in settings > advanced features > motions and gestures > Palm swipe to capture.


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Samsung Galaxy S22: Battery tips

Lower the display brightness:It's no surprise that the brightness of the display is one of the biggest battery uses. Swipe down to see the notification shade and adapt the brightness slider as fits.

Switch resolution: The more resolution you're serving the more battery drain you'll suffer. Again, the instructions are further up page, but head to settings > display to find the option.

Turn on dark mode across your device: There's some evidence that using dark mode lowers the power the phone needs to illuminate all those white background. Again, it's in the display settings as the first thing you'll see.

Turn off features you aren't using: Samsung phones come fully loaded with features and you're not going to use them all. In many cases you can turn them off. That might include everything to do with Bixby, NFC, the second SIM card slot, edge panels, edge illumination, all the vibration notifications, and so on.

View what's eating battery: Head into settings > battery and device care. Tap the 'Battery' panel, which will show you estimated battery life remaining. Scroll down and you can see which apps have been eating the battery life the most - you may find some surprises in here that are running in the background, so you can then seek them out in app settings to remove certain permissions or background operation.

Look at your battery usage history: On the battery usage page detailed above, you can tab through to "last 7 days". Scrolling down the page will reveal the apps that used the most battery in the past week, further helping to identify the worst culprits - some will surprise, others just reflect your usage habits.

Engage power saving mode: Either hit the shortcut in quick settings, or head into settings > battery and device care > battery. Here you can turn on power saving mode, with some options for what actions are taken to save your battery. It will limit background network usage, syncing, location access, and drop motion smoothness to 60Hz. There are also separate user-selected options to deactivate always-on display, limit CPU speed to 70%, decrease brightness by 10%, switch off 5G connectivity.

Time till fully charged: Charge time is displayed when connected to a charger. Look at the bottom of the lockscreen and in the battery status screen. If you're fast charging, it will say so, and the estimated time left.

Writing by Mike Lowe and Chris Hall. Editing by Adrian Willings.


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